Life Hacks

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Vibrational Energy

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You often hear the phrase "life is what you make of it" and that we are all responsible for the life we are living. What does that truly mean? Everything in this world is energy and information. It is a scientific fact that everything in this universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Energy is neither created nor destroyed so therefore everything we desire is already present in some form. Thoughts are a potent source of energy and thoughts can be manipulated; we can change our thoughts from random negative thinking to deliberate positive thinking. When you think about what you want and focus your energy there (there is very potent and powerful energy in our thoughts) then you can program your life to whatever you desire.

When you think a thought and feel a feeling, that is the energetic vibration you are putting out.

“The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs. The heart's electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.” - HeartMath Institute

Another scientific principle is that energy attracts equal and like energy. When you think a thought, either a neurotransmitter or a neuropeptide is released depending on whether that thought evokes a positive or negative emotion from the brains' memory bank. You can see now that thinking a thought and feeling an emotion can create powerful electromagnetic fields.

Another very interesting fact is that when you think of a memory whether it is a real memory or merely a creation of thought, your body produces the same chemical cocktail either way. When you think of a desired outcome and feel a positive emotion (joy/happiness etc.) your body will create the same electromagnetic field as if it were a real memory. There is tremendous energy in this transaction and since we now know energy attracts, at an etherial level, similar and equal in magnitude other energy fields, thus creating positive experiences in your life through thought process.

Our brain, because of the size of our frontal lobe, thinks about worst case scenarios in order to prepare us, as a survival mechanism. This leads to a downward slope as thinking about negative situations will literally lead to negative situations in your life. This is why it is important to focus only on what you want and what you desire. What you focus on will create situations to fulfill that desire hence it is important to think and focus on what you trulywant in life and feel the joy as if it were real.

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Subconscious Reprogramming

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“Every day your brain processes about 70,000 thoughts.” - Cleveland Clinic/Healthy Brains

That means we have 70k opportunities per day to put out and receive energy. Harvard Business believes that 95% of all cognition is subconscious and yet this thinking drives our behavior. That means we are guided almost entirely by our subconscious mind. Think of the subconscious mind as the AI in a Tesla. It knows things, it does things, but how?! It's because that's its job. It is always watching, always listening, and always learning. This is why it's important to protect our energy field and be vigilant about television, news, commercials, and other media sources because this exposure will be filtered and processed by our brains during sleep.

From birth to 7-years of age a child's sleeping brain reflects primarily alpha and theta waves which is a similar state as an adult undergoing hypnosis or meditation. During these years our entire belief system is formed and this foundation will provide the basis upon which we make all future decisions. So how does an adult change something established so long ago? We must take advantage of our alpha and theta brain waves which, for adults, only occur in light sleep such as when we drift off and when we first begin to awaken in the morning. You can reprogram your subconscious mind by visualizing your goals and being intentional with your emotions as you drift off to sleep and upon awakening. Essentially one must begin and end the day with intention and positivity.

“Theta brain waves occur when you're sleeping or dreaming, but they don't occur during the deepest phases of sleep. They may occur when you're drifting off to sleep or suspended in that light phase of sleep, just before you wake up.” - Healthline

As you are falling asleep, when you are sleeping but not in deep sleep and when you just wake up, you are in theta brain state. This is why it is important to visualize your goals and feel positive emotions as you fall asleep as well as when you wake up. It important to turn off the news and negative programming. if you're going to have the TV on while you sleep keep it on positive subconscious reprogramming which can be found on YouTube or other apps. Here is an example of a great type of video to watch as you lay in bed and sleep.

Positive Affirmations for Sleeping

I would suggest paying for YouTube Premium so that you are not being programmed by the ads.

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Tony Robbins has some great information and a free video you can follow along with...


“Do you wake up each morning feeling lethargic, sluggish, overwhelmed or apathetic about work and the day ahead of you? Is there an obstacle that causes you to start overthinking right when you wake up? Many people wake up feeling completely drained, and although they want to be focused and successful, they don't have the mental energy to accomplish their goals.

If this sounds familiar, it's time for you to discover the power of priming.

Life can be challenging. When we're tired and down, it can be hard to remember what achievement, success and fulfillment feel like. But as Tony says, “Problems call us to a higher level.” You can turn your life around by facing your problems head on, with the mindset of a champion.

The positive effects of priming on psychology have been proven again and again. You can learn to change your state of mind by changing your physical state with an effective priming routine. You can learn to use repetition priming to create positive associations and use the law of attraction to get what you want in life.

In this article, we'll answer the question “What is priming?” in detail. You'll learn the research behind priming psychology, why and how it works, different priming examples and Tony Robbins' own exercises and proven special techniques.”

What is Priming? - Tony Robbins

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As we discussed, everything in this universe is energy, and energy fields are vibrating at different frequencies. Gratitude is the energetic vibration of receiving. You feel gratitude when someone gives you something or you receive something. Again, energy attracts equal amount of similar energy. Put these concepts together and you can see that when you are grateful for things in your life even the most basic things like water to drink, blue sky, friends to hug, your pet, your children, literally anything than you are opening yourself up to receiving more.

When you are grateful for things God, gives you more to be grateful for. This is true of anything in life. Whatever you feel or whatever you do, similar energy will return to you. This is why being generous, giving back, being grateful, and being happy will bring back similar positives many times over.

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What is meditation, how do I do it and what will it do for me? I used to think meditation was some esoteric practice that only priests, monks and hippies engaged in, but later realized that is a great practice to learn about the beautiful body and mind that we have been blessed with.

I like the Merriam-Webster definition of meditation, “to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.” Meditation is simply taking your mind off the material world and focusing on the inner world.

In the past I tried many times to quiet my mind and not to think about anything only to find myself deep in thought about some random subject and then mad at myself for not being able to “meditate.” Doing guided meditations was how I broke through this barrier and started to enjoy the benefits of it. Guided meditations are nice because you can focus on what is being said which is much easier than focusing on the sound of silence. The wonderful thing about meditation is that you don't need any fancy tools or equipment to engage in it. Simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing. If there is external stimuli or noise you can wear noise canceling headphones and play peaceful background music or even play a guided meditation script. The more you practice this skill the better you will get at it.

The benefits of meditation are very much worth the effort. By practicing this skill you can improve your sleep pattern, reduce your bodily and mental pain, become more empathetic and it is a great tool to fight memory loss. Meditation can boost concentration, improve self-awareness, reduce anxiety and stress levels and greatly improve your mental acuity. Meditation is an invaluable tool to declutter the mind. All of us have a host of random thoughts every day and we do not have a way to organize them, by practicing meditation we can focus our thoughts and thought patterns which will help our internal system flow smoother.

So what actually happens when we meditate? While the findings of this activity are still in the early stages, some studies have found that it greatly increases your grey matter. A study from UCLA found that long-term meditators had better-preserved brains than non-meditators as they aged. Participants who'd been meditating for longer periods had more grey matter volume throughout the brain according to Forbes Magazine.

Meditation is not a magic pill and you may not see improvement overnight, but at the end of a 10-15-minute practice, you will notice that you are more centered, calmer and relaxed. Isn't this alone very rewarding. So why not start today?

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